
Quantum Words science writing festival, 3 November, Sydney

Australia’s only festival entirely focused on science writing is celebrating its second happening on Saturday 3 November in Sydney. This event is a remarkable gathering of who’s who in science writing, journalism, non-fiction, fiction and poetry. Sessions include ‘Writing about science in a post-truth world‘, Frankenstein’s Monster: scientific hubris‘, ‘Loving the apocalypse‘, and ‘Writing Nature‘ … and many others.

There are also opportunities to pitch science stories to a panel of Australian science editors, have lunch with experts in the science writing arena, and participate in a workshop on writing for scientists. The festival is run by Writing NSW and directed by science journalist (and Writing NSW CEO) Jane McCredie.

This year’s program will bring together researchers and artists at the forefront of their disciplines, including speakers such as Fred Watson, James Bradley, Emma Johnston, Delia Falconer, Π O, Danielle Clode, and Evelyn Araluen.

For more information and tickets ($90 for non-members, $60 for members), visit the festival website.