There’s one week left to apply for one of the six $1500 grants being offered by the Science Journalists Association of Australia to support SJAA members to realise a science reporting project in print, online, audio or visual, or for…
SJAA members take home Eureka Prizes for science journalism
At the Eureka Prize award ceremony on 7 October 2021, SJAA members Dyani Lewis, Carl Smith and Joel Werner took home prizes for their extraordinary science journalism. Freelance science journalist Dr Dyani Lewis was awarded the Finkel Foundation Eureka Prize…
Winners of the inaugural SJAA grants program announced
The Science Journalists Association of Australia is delighted to announce the three winners of our inaugural independent reporting grants program. The SJAA judging panel was thrilled with the breadth of ideas and stories pitched by members across the country for…
SJAA launches a grants program
We’re proud and delighted to launch our grants program for 2021, which will provide two grants for a student/early-career and an established science journalist to support them to undertake an independent reporting project. The grants are worth $750, and come…
SJAA’s first year
Goodbye and good riddance 2020? Sure, it’s been a roundly crappy year on so many fronts: bushfires, COVID-19, climate, politics, toilet paper shortages. But it isn’t all bad. For one thing, 2020 brought 58 people together as inaugural members of…
SJAA joins the World Federation of Science Journalists
The Science Journalists Association of Australia is delighted to have been accepted as a member organisation of the World Federation of Science Journalists, joining more than 60 national, regional, and international science journalism associations which represent over 10,000 science journalists…
SJAA event: online speed-mentoring for early career/student science journalists
Amidst the current flux in the media industry, and the difficulties brought about by the pandemic, breaking into science journalism or landing your next job might feel a little tricky.If you’re a student, an early career science journalist, or a…
SJAA elects new committee
The Science Journalists Association of Australia is delighted to introduce its newly-elected committee, who will steer the organisation for the next year: Bianca Nogrady – presidentNicky Phillips – treasurerSara Phillips – secretaryNeena Bhandari Dyani LewisNatasha MitchellFran MolloyRuby Prosser ScullyCarl SmithMichelle…
World Conference of Science Journalists 2019: call for session proposals
The 2019 World Conference of Science Journalists, held in Lausanne, Switzerland from 1-4 July 2019, has put out a call for session proposals. They are particularly interested in: sessions on investigative and critical science journalism, proposals from Africa, Asia, Latin…
Science journalists gather in San Francisco
“With science under attack, should science journalists get off the sidelines?” This was the question posed by a House of Commons-style debate held at the World Conference of Science Journalists in San Francisco in October. But with the spectre of…