
Why join the Science Journalists Association of Australia?

  • Be part of a network of working Australian science journalists;
  • Get discount or free access to SJAA events, workshops, webinars, conferences, get-togethers and professional development opportunities;
  • Get access to the SJAA email list, Facebook group and members-only online resources including notifications about jobs, awards, fellowships, internships and other opportunities;
  • Get a regular newsletter about what’s happening in science journalism in Australia and around the world;
  • Benefit from the SJAA mentoring program;
  • Feel the warm, fuzzy inner glow you get knowing you’re supporting bigger and better science journalism in Australia.

To qualify for full membership, you must be able to show that you are substantially involved in the practice of science journalism, either print, online, radio, television or as a lecturer.

Associate memberships are available for individuals who are not working science journalists but can show an engagement with, support of, commitment to or interest in science journalism.

To qualify for student memberships, applicants must also be able to show an engagement with, support of, commitment to or interest in science journalism, as well as their student status.

To join, please fill out this form and we will contact you.