
Winners of 2022 grants program announced

The Science Journalists Association of Australia is proud to announce the winners of the 2022 SJAA Grants program.

First up, a heartfelt ‘thank you’ again to the Judith Neilson Institute for Journalism and Ideas for supporting this year’s grants program, and enabling us to expand the program to six grants, each worth $1500, as well as offer a small stipend for mentors.

The winners of the two student/early-career reporting grants are Manuela Callari for a story on underwater wireless, and Petra Stock for a story on wind farms.

The winners of the two independent reporting grants are Carly Cassella for a story on lyrebirds, and Fiona McMillan for a story on oasis ecosystems. The judges also awarded a discretionary third reporting grant to Clare Watson for a story on relocating threatened species.

And finally, the professional development grant also goes to Clare Watson to help her get to the 2023 World Conference of Science Journalists in Medellín, Colombia.

A huge thank you to the grant judging committee, who also took extra time to provide feedback to every single one of the grant applicants. And commiserations to those of you who didn’t get a grant this year, but start working on your ideas for next year’s grants!