
SJAA event: online speed-mentoring for early career/student science journalists

Amidst the current flux in the media industry, and the difficulties brought about by the pandemic, breaking into science journalism or landing your next job might feel a little tricky.
If you’re a student, an early career science journalist, or a freelancer, this informal, members-only, online speed-mentoring session is for you. Join us, bring a beverage, and we’ll set you up for 10 min rotations through Zoom breakout rooms to ask some of SJAA’s established freelancers and journalists how they got their start and built momentum. This is also a great opportunity to meet some of the other early career science journalists in the community.
The session will be hosted by ABC’s Carl Smith, and our mentors are freelance science journalists Dyani Lewis and Bianca Nogrady, and science and medical journalist Ruby Prosser Scully.

This event will be held on Thursday 4 June at 5.30pm. It’s a free, members-only event, so if you’re interested, join SJAA now to take part!