Events News

World Conference of Science Journalists 2019: call for session proposals

The 2019 World Conference of Science Journalists, held in Lausanne, Switzerland from 1-4 July 2019, has put out a call for session proposals. They are particularly interested in:

  • sessions on investigative and critical science journalism,
  • proposals from Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Middle East,
  • innovative session formats such as interactive debates and collective brainstorms,
  • hands-on learning opportunities ,
  • sessions that encourage networking outside delegates’ own spheres,
  • sessions that showcase important science.

They also stress the importance of paying attention to the gender and background of panels and speakers. Successful proposals may be eligible for travel support for the session producer and up to four speakers.

The World Conference of Science Journalists is a biennial conference hosted by the World Federation of Science Journalists. The 2017 conference in San Francisco attracted 1300 delegates from all around the world (including myself) and was a fantastic experience.

The deadline for submissions is 31 May 2018. For more information, visit the website.